
Importer of Record

If you don't have a TAX ID or legal presence in the USA or Mexico, we import the goods in your behalf.

We foster upfront data gathering and shipment validation docs vs. physical cargo to ensure zero border crossing time.

As an Importer of Record (IOR), we act as a legal entity entrusted to ensure that imported goods comply with all customs and legal requirements of the country of import. We are responsible for all entry documents and are liable should the shipment not comply with the destination country’s import laws and regulations.

QHE, as an IOR, is responsible for the payment of duties, tariffs, and taxes, as well as for completing all required compliance documentation and paperwork. Above all, we are accountable based on customer’s information for the shipment and subject to any risks associated with importing dual-use goods.

Clear customs faster with our Customs Brokerage service.